CHOPAR A/S, Company number 12223943 , is responsible for your personal data and the protection of it. At CHOPAR, we are dedicated to protecting your privacy. If you have any questions about protecting your privacy, please email us at
This is how we use your name and contact information
- Deliver orders to you
- Send service messages, for example delivery information.
- Send you information about our new products and services
- Prevent and detect fraud against you or CHOPAR
- Showcase CHOPAR ads for you as you browse the Internet.
- Find out what you and other customers like.
- To make sure we meet your wishes and stay ahead of the competition.
It is entirely up to you to decide whether or not to give us permission for your personal information. Should you choose not to, you may not be able to purchase from the site nor get the best possible customer experience. It is your choice and we respect that.